© 2003 directed electronics, inc.
ccooddee hhooppppiinngg
If the transmitter is pressed many times out of range, or the
battery is removed, the transmitter may get temporarily out of
synchronization and fail to operate the system. To synchronize
he transmitter, simply press several times within range of
the vehicle. The system will automatically synchronize and the
transmitter will respond normally.
DDoooorr iinnppuutt ddooeess nnoott iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy ttrriiggggeerr ffuullll aallaarrmm.. IInnsstteeaadd,,
ffiirrsstt II hheeaarr cchhiirrppss ffoorr 33 sseeccoonnddss::
That's how the progressive two-stage door input works! This is
a feature of this system. This is an instant trigger, remember,
since even if the door is instantly re-closed, the progression from
chirps to constant siren will continue.
CClloossiinngg tthhee ddoooorr ttrriiggggeerrss tthhee ssyysstteemm,, bbuutt ooppeenniinngg tthhee ddoooorr
ddooeess nnoott::
Have you correctly identified the type of door switch system?
This often happens when the wrong door input has been used.
(See H1/5 GREEN Door Trigger Input, Primary Harness Wire
Connection Guide section of this guide.)
SSyysstteemm wwiillll nnoott ppaassssiivveellyy aarrmm uunnttiill iitt iiss rreemmootteellyy aarrmmeedd aanndd
tthheenn ddiissaarrmmeedd::