Dell Latitude LT System User’s Guide
Fax Switchboard........................................................................45170117
Web site: support.euro.dell.com/cz
E-mail: den_support@dell.com
Finland (Helsinki)
For technical assistance in this country after normal working hours, use one of the
following numbers: (353-1) 204 4008 or (353-1) 286 5908 (English only—call is
rerouted to the U.S.A.)
Technical Support...............................................................09 253 313 60
Customer Care....................................................................09 253 313 61
Fax.....................................................................................09 253 313 99
Switchboard........................................................................09 253 313 00
Web site: support.euro.dell.com/fi
E-mail: fin_support@dell.com
France (Paris/Montpellier)
For technical assistance in this country after normal working hours, use one of the
following numbers: (353-1) 204 4008 or (353-1) 286 5908 (English only—call is
rerouted to the U.S.A.)
Technical Support (Paris) ..................................................01 47 62 68 90
Technical Support (Montpellier)........................................04 67 06 62 86
Customer Care (Paris) .......................................................01 47 62 68 92
Customer Care (Montpellier).............................................04 67 06 61 96
TechConnect BBS (Montpellier)........................................04 67 22 53 04
Fax (Montpellier) ..............................................................04 67 06 60 07
Switchboard (Paris) ...........................................................01 47 62 69 00
Switchboard (Montpellier).................................................04 67 06 60 00
Web site: support.euro.dell.com/fr
E-mail: web_fr_tech@dell.com
Germany (Langen)
For technical assistance in this country after normal working hours, use one of the
following numbers: (353-1) 204 4008 or (353-1) 286 5908 (English only—call is
rerouted to the U.S.A.)