
Getting Help
Country (City)
Access Code
Code City Code
Mexico (Colonia Granada) 95 52 5
Netherlands (Amsterdam) 00 31 20
New Zealand 00 64
Norway (Lysaker) 095 47 Not required
Poland (Warsaw) 011 48 22
Singapore (Singapore) 005 65 Not required
South Africa (Johannesburg) 09/091 27 11
Spain (Madrid) 07 34 1
Sweden (Upplands Vasby) 009 46 8
Switzerland (Geneva) 00 41 22
Taiwan 002 886
Thailand 001 66
U.K. (Bracknell) 010 44 1344
U.S.A. (Austin, Texas) 011 1 Not required
Dell Contact Numbers
Australia (Sydney)
Customer Technical Support .............................. toll free: 1-800-633-559
Customer Care .................................................... toll free: 1-800-819-339
Corporate Sales................................................... toll free: 1-800-808-385
Transaction Sales................................................ toll free: 1-800-808-312
Fax...................................................................... toll free: 1-800-818-341
Austria (Vienna)
For technical assistance in this country after normal working hours, use one of the
following numbers: (353-1) 204 4008 or (353-1) 286 5908 (English only—call is
rerouted to the U.S.A.)
Technical Support................................................................... 0660-8779
Customer Care ...................................................................... 01 660 8056
Switchboard ............................................................................... 491 04 0
Web site: support.euro.dell.com/at
E-mail: tech_support_germany@dell.com