84 | Appliance Management
Network Discovery
(Optional) Enter the SMTP server
An SMTP server handles standard Internet e-mail. Network Discovery can use
this server when it generates e-mail messages to tell you what is going on in
your network or with other processes such as a daily backup.
If you do not enter an SMTP server, e-mail from Network Discovery will go to the
default SMTP mail server for the domain. You may prefer to specify an SMTP
server because the e-mail will go faster routed through a local server.
The SMTP server can be on-site or off-site (that is, part of your own network or
part of another network).
Important: Peregrine Systems recommends that you use a local SMTP server. If
your mail server is off-site, you may not be able to rely on it to send
you a message that a network device is down.
Note: You may wish to use the IPv4 address rather than the domain name of the
SMTP server so that Network Discovery can still contact you even if the
domain name server is unavailable.
Note: Setting up the SMTP server and supplying an e-mail address are two
separate tasks. If you do not supply an Network Discovery Administrator
e-mail address, no mail will be sent, even if a mail server is indicated on
the SMTP Server page.
To enter the SMTP server
1 Click Administration > Appliance management > SMTP server.