48 | Install and Start Network Discovery
Network Discovery
4 Press Enter again.
You return to the Configuration/Setup Utility main menu. If you have an IBM
xSeries 335, continue with all of the steps. If you have an IBM xSeries 330, go
to step 8.
5 Use the arrow keys to select Start Options and press Enter.
6 Press Enter again.
7 Verify that the options are set as follows. Do not change options that are not
listed here. Use the arrow keys to make changes.
Planar Ethernet PXE/DHCP Disabled
Disketteless Operation Enabled
Displayless Operation Enabled
Keyboardless Operation Enabled
USB Legacy Enabled
Boot on Post/BIOS Error Enabled
8 Press Esc.
You see the Configuration/Setup Utility main menu again.
9 Use the arrow keys to select Start Options and press Enter.
10 Use the arrow keys to select Startup Sequence Options (IBM xSeries 335) or
Startup Sequence (IBM xSeries 330) and press Enter.
11 Verify that the options are set as follows. Do not change options that are not
listed here. Use the arrow keys to make changes.
Wake On LAN Disabled
First Startup DriveCD ROM
Second Startup DriveHard Disk 0
Third Startup DriveDiskette Drive 0