Version Description Introduced on the E-Series ExaScale. Introduced on the S-Series.
pre- Introduced on the E-Series.
First-hop routers use this address by to send register packets on behalf of source
multicast hosts. The RP addresses are stored in the order in which they are entered.
The RP is chosen based on a longer prefix match for a group. The RP selection
does not depend on dynamic or static RP assignments.
ip pim rp-candidate
To send out a Candidate-RP-Advertisement message to the bootstrap (BS) router or define group
prefixes that are defined with the RP address to PIM BSR, configure a PIM router.
ip pim [vrf vrf-name] rp-candidate {interface [priority]}
To return to the default value, use the no ip pim [vrf vrf-name] rp-
candidate {interface [priority]} command.
vrf vrf-name (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword vrf followed by the name of
the VRF.
NOTE: Applies to specific VRF if input is provided, else
applies to Default VRF.
interface Enter the following keywords and slot/port or number
• For a Loopback interface, enter the keyword loopback
then a number from 0 to 16383.
• For a Port Channel interface, enter the keywords port-
channel then a number. The range is from 1 to 128.
• For a 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword
TenGigabitEthernet then the slot/port information.
• For a 40-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword
fortyGigE then the slot/port information.
• For a VLAN, enter the keyword vlan then a number from
1 to 4094.
priority (OPTIONAL) Enter the priority used in Bootstrap election
process. The range is zero (0) to 255. The default is 192.
Defaults Not configured.
PIM-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM)