Version Description Introduced on the S4810. Introduced on the S-Series. Introduced on the C-Series. Expanded to display the port error disable state (EDS)
loopback BPDU inconsistency causes.
Enable the multiple spanning tree protocol prior to using this command.
Dell#show spanning-tree msti 10
MSTI 10 VLANs mapped 101-105
Bridge Identifier has priority 32768, Address 0001.e802.3506
Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15, max
hops 5
Current root has priority 16384, Address 0001.e800.0a5c
Number of topology changes 0, last change occurred 3058087
Port 82 (TenGigabitEthernet 2/1) is designated Forwarding
Port path cost 0, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.82
Designated root has priority 16384, address 0001.e800.0a:5c
Designated bridge has priority 32768, address 0001.e802.35:06
Designated port id is 128.82, designated path cost
Number of transitions to forwarding state 1
BPDU (Mrecords): sent 1109, received 0
The port is not in the portfast mode
Port 88 (TenGigabitEthernet 2/6) is root Forwarding
Port path cost 0, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.88
Designated root has priority 16384, address 0001.e800.0a:5c
Designated bridge has priority 16384, address 0001.e800.0a:5c
Designated port id is 128.88, designated path cost
Number of transitions to forwarding state 4
BPDU (Mrecords): sent 19, received 1103
The port is not in the portfast mode
Port 89 (TenGigabitEthernet 2/7) is alternate Discarding
Port path cost 0, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.89
Designated root has priority 16384, address 0001.e800.0a:5c
Designated bridge has priority 16384, address 0001.e800.0a:5c
Designated port id is 128.89, designated path cost
Number of transitions to forwarding state 3
BPDU (Mrecords): sent 7, received 1103
The port is not in the portfast mode
Example (EDS
and LBK)
The bold line shows the loopback BPDU inconsistency (LBK_INC).
Dell#show spanning-tree msti 0 brief
MSTI 0 VLANs mapped 1-4094
Executing IEEE compatible Spanning Tree Protocol
Root ID Priority 32768, Address 0001.e801.6aa8
Root Bridge hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15, max
hops 20
Bridge ID Priority 32768, Address 0001.e801.6aa8
We are the root of MSTI 0 (CIST)
Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15, max
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)