Command ReferenceA-163
autosupport.from: Default is autosupport. Enter a user name designated as the
sender of the autosupport mail. This allows replies to the mail to be received by a
responsible representative at the site.
options autosupport.from sysadm
autosupport.doit: This is a trigger to send the email out. The text word argument to
this option is sent in the email subject line. This is used to identify the reason for the
notification. To send system information at any time on a running system you can type
a command such as
options autosupport.doit SYSTEM_INFO
Error conditions are logged through syslog at level LOG_ERR.
options, setup, hosts, rc
The autosupport mechanism is enabled by default. When the system boots it will
enable the feature. If, for security or other reasons, you wish to disable this fea-
ture you should add a line in /etc/rc to disable it:
options autosupport.enable off
If you do keep autosupport enabled, remember to add the following lines in /etc/
rc with your name, phone number and site name. For example,
snmp contact John - 555-555-1212
snmp location Computer Lab
Add the lines with your information even if you do not use SNMP. This informa-
tion is sent in the notification and will help Dell support contact you proactively in
case of a problem.