19-20 Dell PowerVault 720N, 740N, and 760N System Administrator and Command Reference Guide
Specifies the default speed of
vol copy
operations. The speed ranges from 10 (full-
speed) to 1 (one-tenth of full-speed).
Setting this option to On forces conversion of all directories to Unicode format when
accessed from both NFS and CIFS. By default, conversion to Unicode format occurs
as follows:
Access from CIFS causes conversion of pre-4.0 and 4.0 format directories.
Access from NFS causes conversion of 4.0 format directories.
Setting this option to On forces Unicode format directories to be created by default,
both from NFS and CIFS. By default, all directories are created in pre-4.0 format and
the first CIFS access converts a directory to Unicode format.
Specifies the Windows NT user account to use when a UNIX user accesses a file
with Windows NT security (has an ACL), and that UNIX user would not otherwise be
mapped. If this option is set blank, such accesses are denied.