I-4 POST Error Messages
Writer: Rickard Project: Compaq Smart Array 3200 Controller Reference Guide Comments: 340862-002
File Name: P-APPI.DOC Last Saved On: 12/7/98 9:35 AM
POST Error Messages
Code Meaning Recommended Action
1729 Slot 1 Drive Array - Disk Consistency
Initialization in Progress - RAID 4/5
performance may be lower until Auto
Reliability Monitoring has completed
Automatic Background Parity Consistency
This message is normal following the initial
configuration of RAID 4 or RAID 5 logical drives.
This POST error message will disappear and
performance of the controller will improve after
the parity data has been initialized by ARM (an
automatic process that runs in the background
on the controller).
1764 Slot x Drive Array - Capacity Expansion
Process is Temporarily Disabled (followed by
one of the following:)
1. Expansion will resume when Array
Accelerator has been reattached.
2. Expansion will resume when Array
Accelerator has been replaced.
3. Expansion will resume when Array
Accelerator RAM allocation is successful.
4. Expansion will resume when Array
Accelerator battery reaches full charge.
5. Expansion will resume when Automatic
Data Recovery has been completed.
The capacity expansion process has been
temporarily disabled for the reason indicated
and will resume automatically. If the array
accelerator has been removed, you must
reinstall it for capacity expansion to continue.
1765 Slot x Drive Array Option ROM Appears to
Conflict with an ISA Card - ISA cards with 16-
bit memory cannot be configured in memory
range C0000 to DFFFF along with SMART-2/E
8-bit Option ROM due to EISA bus limitations.
Please remove or reconfigure your ISA card.
Remove or reconfigure the conflicting ISA card,
referring to the directions provided with the ISA
card. Alternatively, the Options ROM can be
disabled on the SMART-2/E Controller with the
System Configuration Utility if a SMART-2/E is
not the primary (boot) controller.