Compaq Smart Array 3200 Controller Reference Guide
Writer: Rickard Project: Compaq Smart Array 3200 Controller Reference Guide Comments: 340862-002
File Name: B-CH01.DOC Last Saved On: 12/7/98 8:24 AM
The array accelerator, with backup batteries, is located on a removable
daughterboard (see Figure 1-1). For information on daughterboards, see the
Smart Array 3200 Controller Installation Guide. Although controller failure is
not anticipated, the Array accelerator can be detached from a Smart Array 3200
Controller and attached to a replacement Smart Array 3200 Controller. If the
configuration information stored in the Array accelerator matches that stored on
the drives, any valid posted-write data being held in the cache will be written
automatically to the drives attached to the replacement array controller. Thus,
data being held in the array accelerator memory can be recovered despite failure
of the main Smart Array 3200 Controller board. Refer to Appendix F,
“Replacing the Array Accelerator,” for specific information.
Wide-Ultra2 SCSI Technology
The Smart Array 3200 Controller uses Wide-Ultra2 SCSI technology for
improved performance. Wide-Ultra2 SCSI uses Low-Voltage Differential
(LVD) signaling to enables maximum burst rates on the Wide-Ultra2 SCSI bus
of 80 MB/s, which doubles the maximum burst rate of the Wide-Ultra SCSI.
Wide-Ultra2 SCSI Benefits
The Wide-Ultra2 SCSI LVD technology provides these additional benefits:
■ 80 MB/sec maximum burst
■ Longer SCSI bus cable lengths
■ System configuration for up to 15 peripherals
Wide-Ultra2 SCSI Compatibility
Wide-Ultra2 SCSI is compatible with your existing installed SCSI base. The
Diff Sens circuit in the Wide-Ultra2 SCSI configures the drive operation and the
appropriate bus capability. Wide-Ultra2 SCSI will work with the oldest SCSI
designs. It is important to remember, however, that when using different SCSI
devices on the same SCSI bus, all peripherals on that bus will respond to the
earliest version SCSI specification. If an Ultra design is installed on an Wide-
Ultra2 SCSI (LVD) bus, all devices will respond at Ultra speeds.