
18 DXZ748RMP
RDS Operations
PTY seek
1. When you press the [ ] button, the PTY
select mode is turned on.
2. Select PTY.
3. Press the [a] or [d] button. If you press
the [d] button, the unit seeks a PTY broad-
cast moving up the frequencies; if you press
the [a] button, it seeks moving down the
If no station with the selected PTY broadcast
can be received, the unit returns to the previ-
ous mode.
PTY preset memory
1. When you press the [ ] button, the PTY
select mode is turned on.
2. Turn the [ROTARY] knob clockwise or coun-
terclockwise to select the desired PTY.
The 29 types of PTY below can be selected.
3. If you press and hold any one of the
[DIRECT] buttons for 2 seconds or longer,
the selected PTY is stored into that preset
channel memory.
PTY item
News Nachrich Nyheter Infos News
Affairs Aktuell Aktuellt Magazine Today’s events
Info Service Info Services Information
Sport Sport Sport Sport Sports
Educate Bildung Utbildn Educatif Education
Drama Hör + Lit Teater Fiction Drama
Culture Kultur Kultur Culture Culture
Science Wissen Vetenskp Sciences Science
Varied Unterh Underh Divers Variety
Pop M Pop Pop M Pop Pop music
Rock M Rock Rock M Rock Rock music
Easy M U-Musik Lättlyss Chansons Easy music
Light M L-Musik L klass M Cl Lég Light music
Classics E-Musik Klassisk Classiq Classics
Other M - - Musik Övrig m Autre M Other music
Weather Wetter Väder Météo Weather
Finance Wirtsch Ekonomi Economie Finance
Children Kinder För barn Enfants For children
Social Soziales Socialt Société Social
Religion Religion Andligt Religion Religion
Phone In Anruf Telefon Forum Phone in
Travel Reise Resor Voyages Travel
Leisure Freizeit Fritid Loisirs Leisure
Jazz Jazz Jazz Jazz Jazz
Country Country Country Country Country
Nation M Landes M Nation m Ch pays Nation music
Oldies Oldies Oldies Rétro Oldies
Folk M Folklore Folkm Folklore Folk music
Document Feature Dokument Document Documentaries
+DXZ748RMP-009-ENG 1/14/04, 11:02 AM18