Configuration | System | IP Routing | OSPF Areas | Add or Modify
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Reminder: The Manager immediately includes your changes in the active configuration. To save the active
configuration and make it the boot configuration, click the
Save Needed icon at the top of the Manager
Configuration | System | IP Routing | OSPF Areas | Add or Modify
These Manager screens let you:
Add: Configure and add an OSPF area.
Modify: Modify parameters for a configured OSPF area.
Note: Once you have configured an OSPF Area, you cannot modify its ID. To change an area ID, delete the
existing area and add a new one.
Figure 8-7: Configuration | System | IP Routing | OSPF Areas | Add or Modify screen
Area ID
Add: Enter the area ID in the field using IP address dotted decimal notation; e.g., The
default entry is, the backbone.
Modify: Once you have configured an area ID, you cannot change it. See note above.
Area ID identifies the subnet area within the OSPF Autonomous System or domain. While its format
is the same as an IP address, it functions only as an identifier and not an address. The area ID
identifies a special area—the backbone—that contains all area border routers.
Area Summary
Check the box to have the OSPF router generate and propagate summary LSAs (Link-State
Advertisements) into OSPF stub areas. LSAs describe the state of the router’s interfaces and routing
paths. Stub areas contain only final-destination hosts and do not pass traffic through to other areas.
Sending LSAs to them is usually not necessary. By default this box is not checked.