Common Smartport Tasks
Cisco Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide 158
3. Click View Macro Source to view the current Smartport macro that is
associated with the selected Smartport Type.
4. Click Edit to open a new window in which you can bind user-defined macros to
the selected Smartport type and/or modify the default values of the parameters
in the macros bound to that Smartport type. These parameter default values are
used when Auto Smartport applies the selected Smartport type (if applicable)
to an interface.
5. In the Edit page, modify the fields.
6. Click Apply to rerun the macro if the parameters were changed, or Restore
Defaults to restore default parameter values to built-in macros if required.
Workflow4: To rerun a Smartport macro after it has failed, perform the
following steps:
STEP 1 In the Interface Settings page, select an interface with Smartport type Unknown.
STEP 2 Click Show Diagnostics to see the problem.
STEP 3 Troubleshoot, then correct the problem. Consider the troubleshooting tip below.
STEP 4 Click Edit. A new window appears in which you can click Reset to reset the
STEP 5 Return to the main page and reapply the macro using either Reapply (for devices
that are not switches, routers or APs) or Reapply Smartport Macro (for switches,
routers or APs) to run the Smartport Macro on the interface.
A second method of resetting single or multiple unknown interfaces is:
STEP 1 In the Interface Settings page, select the Port Type equals to checkbox.
STEP 2 Select
and click Go.
STEP 3 Click Reset All Unknown Smartports. Then reapply the macro as described above.
TIP The reason that the macro failed might be a conflict with a configuration on the
interface made prior to applying the macro (most often encountered with security
and storm-control settings), a wrong port type, a typo or an incorrect command
within the user-defined macro, or an invalid parameter setting. Parameters are
checked for neither type nor boundary prior to the attempt to apply the macro,
therefore, an incorrect or invalid input to a parameter value will almost assuredly
cause failure when applying the macro.