Port Management
Configuring Green Ethernet
141 Cisco Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide
• Energy Detect Mode—Disabled by default. Click the checkbox to enable.
• Short Reach—Globally enable or disable Short Reach mode if there are GE
ports on the device.
NOTE If Short Reach is enabled, EEE must be disabled.
• Power Savings—Displays the percentage of power saved by running
Green Ethernet and Short Reach. The power savings displayed is only
relevant to the power saved by Short Reach and Energy Detect modes. The
EEE power savings is dynamic by nature since it is based on port utilization
and is therefore not taken into consideration. The power saving calculation is
performed by comparing the maximum power consumption without power
savings to the current consumption.
• Cumulative Energy Saved—Displays the amount of energy saved from the
last device reboot. This value is updated each time there is an event that
affects power saving.
• 802.3 Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE)— Globally enable or disable EEE
• Port LEDs—Select to enable the port LEDs. When these are disabled, they
do not display link status, activity, etc.
STEP 3 Click Apply. The Green Ethernet Properties are written to the Running
Configuration file.
Setting Green Ethernet Properties for Ports
The Port Settings page displays the current Green Ethernet and EEE modes per
port, and enables configuring Green Ethernet on a port using the Edit Port Setting
page. For the Green Ethernet modes to operate on a port, the corresponding
modes must be activated globally in the Properties page.
Note that EEE settings are only displayed for devices that have GE ports. EEE
works only when ports are set to Auto negotiation. The exception is that EEE is still
functional even when Auto Negotiation is disabled, but the port is at 1GB or higher.