Cisco SFS 7012 InfiniBand Server Switch Hardware Users Guide
Step 13 Enter the new switch default gateway IP address.
Step 14 Click Apply.
Note A reboot is required to activate the new gateway IP address.
Updating Management Spine IP Addresses in a Redundant Management Configuration
Note This procedure should be performed the first time the SFS 7012 is powered on.
Each managed spine must have a unique IP address that is different than the chassis IP address of the
SFS 7012. Therefore, a redundantly-managed SFS 7012 will have three (3) unique IP addresses. The
current default IP addresses are:
Spine 1:
Spine 2:
It is necessary for each managed spine to have a unique IP address for the following reasons:
• Unique IP addresses are used when sending syslog messages from a managed spine to a syslog
• Gives the user the ability to ping each management spine separately.
• If the IP addresses are not unique, collisions will occur, causing IP operations to fail.
To update the IP address on a managed spine, do the following:
Step 1 Ensure that the spine module is connected to a COM port on a serial terminal device via the RS-232 port.
Step 2 Get to a [boot]: prompt by following Step a or b.
a. If the managed spine is running, enter the following command at the console:
Then press Enter.
b. If the managed spine is not running, power on the switch.
Step 3 After selecting image1 or image2, press the Spacebar to interrupt the auto load sequence before the
counter expires (within 5 seconds).
Step 4 At the [boot]: prompt enter the new spine IP address with the following syntax:
spineip <NEW IP ADDRESS>
Then press Enter.