User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
Chapter 4 Getting Started
Discovering Your Network
If you run Discovery with the Entire Network check box unchecked, and then you run Discovery with
the Entire Network check box checked, any Unmanaged nodes in the first Discovery are not rediscovered
by the second Discovery.
Begins discovering the network.
Click Discover Network to begin Discovery.
If you have not defined at least one seed node in the Seed Settings tab, the MWTM
prompts you to do so.
When Discovery begins:
• The Discover Network button changes to Stop Discovery.
• The Discovery In Progress message appears in the title bar of all MWTM
client windows.
Discovery progresses in bursts. You might see a number of updates, followed by a
pause, followed by more updates. The information that MWTM windows displays
is not fully updated until Discovery is complete.
By default, Discovery times out after 600 seconds (10 minutes). To change the
Discovery timeout, change the value of the DISCOVERY_TIMELIMIT entry in the
Server.properties file:
• If you installed the MWTM in the default directory, /opt, then the location of
the Server.properties file is /opt/CSCOsgm/properties/Server.properties.
• If you installed the MWTM in a different directory, then the Server.properties
file resides in that directory.
Because the MWTM is an asynchronous system, with the MWTM server
contacting clients one at a time, and because clients might run at different speeds,
the information that MWTM clients display during Discovery might not always be
All other MWTM windows (Node, topology, and so on) are also populated with the
newly discovered network data.
Stop Discovery Stops the Discovery process. For example, if you click Discover Network, then you
realize that you loaded a seed node that you did not intend to load, you can click
Stop Discovery to stop the Discovery process.
Note If you stop the Discovery process, the information in the MWTM database
is incomplete and unreliable. To generate a new, complete, and reliable
MWTM database, check the Delete Existing Data check box and run
Discovery again.
This button replaces the Discover Network button when the Discovery process
begins, and changes back to the Discover Network button when the Discovery
process ends.
Field or Button Description