NAT Status
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 100
Client Status
Use the Wireless Status > Client Status page to view information for all client
stations that are already connected to each SSID. The MAC address and IP
address for all connected client stations for each SSID are displayed. This page is
automatically updated every 10 seconds. Click Refresh to manually refresh the
NAT Status
Use the NAT Status page to view information for all NAT rules.
NAT Status
Uptime Time that the SSID has been active.
Field Description
Field Description
Original Source
Original source IP address in the packet.
Original Destination
Original destination IP address in the packet.
Source Port Source interface that traffic comes from.
Destination Port Destination interface that traffic goes to.
Translated Destination
IP address that the specified original destination
address is translated to.
Translate d Sourc e
IP address that the specified original source address is
translated to.
Translated Destination
Interface that the specified destination interface is
translated to.
Translate d Sourc e
Interface that the specified source interface is
translated to.