Implementing OSPF on Cisco IOS XR Software
How to Implement OSPF on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Routing Configuration Guide
• Verifying OSPF Configuration and Operation, page RC-180 (optional)
• Configuring OSPFv3 Graceful Restart, page RC-181 (optional)
• Enabling Multicast-Intact for OSPFv2, page RC-186 (optional)
Enabling OSPF
This task explains how to perform the minimum OSPF configuration on your router that is to enable an
OSPF process with a router ID, configure a backbone or nonbackbone area, and then assign one or more
interfaces on which OSPF runs.
Although you can configure OSPF before you configure an IP address, no OSPF routing occurs until at
least one IP address is configured.
1. configure
2. router ospf process-name
router ospfv3 process-name
3. router-id {ipv4-address | interface-type interface-instance}
4. area area-id
5. interface type instance
6. Repeat Step 5 for each interface that use OSPF.
7. log adjacency changes [detail] [enable | disable]
8. end