Card Installation and Node Startup 3-9
Connecting Trunks
Connecting Trunks
The sections that follow contain basic information on how to set up the two types of trunks on the
IGX node. The two trunk types are FastPacket and ATM. The supported line types are OC3/STM1,
T3, E3,T1, Y1, andE1. The cardsets describedin this sectionare the networktrunk module (NTM).
The universal switching module (UXM-E) is a dual-purpose, ATM cell-based card and has its own
section that includes information for trunk-mode configuration and port-mode configuration.
Setting Up a UXM-E
To set up a UXM-E attach cables and enter commands at the command-line interface (CLI). For
detailed information regarding the UXM-E, refer to the Cisco IGX 8400 Series Reference. The
Cisco IGX8400 SeriesReferencecontains crucialinformation on,for example, supportedendpoints,
connection types, allocation of cellbus bandwidth, and the logical trunk feature called Inverse
Multiplexing Over ATM (IMA).
You can specify the mode of the UXM-E through Cisco WAN Manager or the CLI. The UXM-E
card set goes into the mode determined when you activate the first port. If you activate a logical port
to be a trunk by using the uptrk command, for example, the UXM-E goes into trunk mode. If you
use upln to activate a lineas a UNIport to CPE oran NNI to another network, the UXM-E goes into
port mode.
For a summary of commands you use to bring up an IGX node, refer to the section “IGX
Configuration Summary” on page 49 at the end of this chapter.
Bringing Up a UXM-E Trunk
If you are not familiar with precautions for card insertion, see the section “Preparing the Cards” on
page 1.
To attach the cables to a back card:
Step 1 Bring each cable through the opening at the top or bottom of the cabinet (however
appropriate) and along the back of the IGX enclosure. (See Figure 3-7.)
Step 2 If the unit has the optional cable manager, you can use it to help route the cables. (See
Figure 3-7.)
Step 3 Connect the cables to the connectors on the back card. (See Figure 3-7.)