
Card Installation and Node Startup 3-13
Setting Up a UXM-E
Removing Links from an IMA Feeder Group
To remove linksfrom an IMA group,you can useeither Cisco WAN Manager or theCLI. To remove
a link from an IMA group on the CLI:
Step 1 Find the nodes configured as trunks connected to the IMA feeder by using the dsptrks
Step 2 Reduce the number of retained links on the IMA feeder node.
Step 3 Reduce the receive rate using the DS0 calculation on the IMA feeder node.
Step 4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 on the IMA trunk.
Step 5 Reduce the number of IMA group members on both trunk and feeder nodes by manually
entering the number of group members. Enter:
cnftrk slot.primary link
Note The primary link cannot be removed from an IMA group.
UXM-E Inverse Multiplexing ATM IMA Lines
This featureallows theextension of theIMA protocol toUXM-E line interfaces, whichsubstantially
reduces equipment and interface costs for customers requiring IMA line interfaces and trunks and
high bandwidth demand for ATM. It reduces costs by bundling multiple physical T1/E1 lines into a
logical line enlarging traffic bandwidth. This makes it unnecessary to upgrade access lines to higher
speed services such as T3/E3.
Note Both ends of the UXM-E IMA lines require you to install UXM-E Firmware Model B
(Release 9.2 and later SWSW). If the UXM IMA line is connected to another device, that device
must support ATM Forum Compliant IMA protocol, Version 1.0. To verify the UXM firmware
version, use the dspcd command.
To specify the range of ports for an IMA line, you can use either Cisco WAN Manager or the
command-line interface (CLI). To define an IMA line on the CLI, use the upln command:
upln slot.group-member
For example, you could enter upln 8.1–4. Subsequently, you would refer to this physical line by
using onlythe slot numberand first groupmember—8.1 in thisexample—when you usecommands,
such as upln, dnln, cnfln, and so on. Following the activation of an IMA line group, the logical port
will be created with the primary line port as the port number.
Commands for viewing IMA line information also include dsplncnf, dsplns, dspports, dspport,
dspphyslnstathist and dspphyslnstatcnf.
Note The UXM-E IMA ports on an IGX, will interoperate with an IMA compliant router or a
device that supports the ATM Forum Compliant IMA Protocol, Version 1.0.