-4 IGX 8 Installation Manual, Release 8.2.0
Digital Data Service Interface
Ports per card: Four.
Electrical Interface: Digital Data System (DDS)—AT&T Pub. 62310, November 1987.
Interface Type: DSU or OCU (software selectable).
Data Rates: 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, and 56 Kbps (software selectable).
DDS Data Encoding: Standard DDS Bipolar Return to Zero. Alternate Mark Inversion
coding with bipolar violation sequences for zero suppression and
Data Compression: Repetitive Pattern Suppression (RPS): 7, 8, or 16 bit pattern
Synchronization Modes: External (DSU only)
Looped (OCU only).
Control Codes Recognized: Idle.
Zero Suppression.
Out-of Service.
Loopback Sequences.
Control Code Translation: Translation of RTS to IDLE.
Alarm Code Translation: Translation of the logical NOR of Out-of-Service
Sync Fail.
Excessive Bipolar Violations.
No Signal to DSR (DSU only).
No Signal to DTR (OCU only).
Connector: ISO 4903, female DB-15 type connector.