Network Management Control
Network Control Terminal: StrataView Plus workstation and StrataCom software required for
graphical display of network status, statistics gathering and display,
and automatic downloading of software.
Control Terminal: DEC VT100, WYSE 85, Televideo 970 or equivalent terminal for
basic system configuring and alarm monitoring.
Remote Alarm Reporting: Auto-dial modem connects to one of two control ports on each IGX
8 node for automatic reporting of network alarms.
Remote Diagnostics: Auto-answer modem connects to one of two control ports on each
IGX node for remote diagnostic access by StrataCom ISC or other
authorized personnel.
Network Control Ports: Two ports per node, (one RS 232C interface and one Ethernet LAN
Alarm Notification: Status of all trunks and nodes in network distributed to and stored by
each individual node. Reported to StrataView Plus workstation at
connecting node.
External Alarms: Meets Bellcore Compatibility Bulletin #143 and AT&T Technical
Reference PUB 43801 DS1 (T1) facility alarm requirements when
equipped with DTI group.
Indicators and Controls: Active and Fail lights on all cards and power supplies.