Cisco IE 2000 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 18 Configuring VTP
How to Configure VTP
How to Configure VTP
Configuring VTP Domain and Parameters
Before You Begin
You should configure the VTP domain before configuring other VTP parameters.
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Step 2
vtp domain domain-name Configures the VTP administrative-domain name. The name can be 1 to 32
characters. All switches operating in VTP server or client mode under the
same administrative responsibility must be configured with the same
domain name.
This command is optional for modes other than server mode. VTP server
mode requires a domain name. If the switch has a trunk connection to a
VTP domain, the switch learns the domain name from the VTP server in the
Step 3
vtp mode {client | server |
transparent | off} {vlan | mst |
Configures the switch for VTP mode (client, server, transparent, or off).
(Optional) Database parameters:
• vlan—The VLAN database is the default if none are configured.
• mst—The multiple spanning tree (MST) database.
• unknown—An unknown database type.
Step 4
vtp password password (Optional) Sets the password for the VTP domain. The password can be 8
to 64 characters. If you configure a VTP password, the VTP domain does
not function properly if you do not assign the same password to each switch
in the domain.
See the “Configuring a VTP Version 3 Password” section on page 18-12 for
options available with VTP version 3.
Step 1
vtp primary-server [vlan | mst]
(Optional) Changes the operational state of a switch from a secondary
server (the default) to a primary server and advertise the configuration to
the domain. If the switch password is configured as hidden, you are
prompted to reenter the password.
• vlan—Selects the VLAN database as the takeover feature. This is the
• mst—Selects the multiple spanning tree (MST) database as the
takeover feature.
• force—Overwrites the configuration of any conflicting servers. If you
do not enter force, you are prompted for confirmation before the
Step 2
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.