Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Chapter 5 Configuring RPR and RPR+ Supervisor Engine Redundancy
Configuring Supervisor Engine Redundancy
client count = 11
client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds
keep_alive TMR = 4000 milliseconds
keep_alive count = 0
keep_alive threshold = 7
RF debug mask = 0x0
Synchronizing the Supervisor Engine Configurations
During normal operation, the startup-config and config-registers configuration are synchronized by
default between the two supervisor engines. In a switchover, the new active supervisor engine uses the
current configuration.
To manually synchronize the configurations used by the two supervisor engines, perform this task on the
active supervisor engine:
Note The auto-sync standard command does not synchronize the boot variables.
This example shows how to reenable the default automatic synchronization feature using the auto-sync
standard command to synchronize the startup-config and config-register configuration of the active
supervisor engine with the redundant supervisor engine:
Router(config)# redundancy
Router(config-red)# main-cpu
Router(config-r-mc)# auto-sync standard
Router(config-r-mc)# auto-sync bootvar
Router(config-r-mc)# end
Router# copy running-config startup-config
Note To manually synchronize only individual elements of the standard auto-sync configuration, disable
the default automatic synchronization feature.
This example shows how to disable default automatic synchronization and only allow automatic
synchronization of the config-registers of the active supervisor engine to the redundant supervisor
engine while disallowing synchronization of the startup configuration:
Router(config)# redundancy
Router(config-red)# main-cpu
Command Purpose
Step 1
Router(config)# redundancy
Enters redundancy configuration mode.
Step 2
Router(config-red)# main-cpu
Enters main-cpu configuration submode.
Step 3
Router(config-r-mc)# auto-sync {startup-config |
config-register | bootvar | standard}
Synchronizes the configuration elements.
Step 4
Router(config-r-mc)# end
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5
Router# copy running-config startup-config
Forces a manual synchronization of the configuration
files in NVRAM.
Note This step is not required to synchronize the
running configuration file in DRAM.