Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Chapter 8 Configuring VTP
Configuring VTP
• When you enable or disable VTP pruning on a VTP server, VTP pruning for the entire management
domain is enabled or disabled.
• The pruning-eligibility configuration applies globally to all trunks on the switch. You cannot configure
pruning-eligibility separately for each trunk.
• When you configure VLANs as pruning eligible or pruning ineligible on a Catalyst 6500 series
switch, pruning eligibility for those VLANs is affected on that switch only, not on all network
devices in the VTP domain.
• If there is insufficient DRAM available for use by VTP, the VTP mode changes to transparent.
• Network devices in VTP transparent mode do not send VTP Join messages. On Catalyst 6500 series
switches with trunk connections to network devices in VTP transparent mode, configure the VLANs that
are used by the transparent-mode network devices or that need to be carried across trunks as pruning
ineligible. For information about configuring prune eligibility, see the “Configuring the List of
Prune-Eligible VLANs” section on page 7-12.
Configuring VTP
These sections describe how to configure VTP:
• Configuring VTP Global Parameters, page 8-6
• Configuring the VTP Mode, page 8-8
• Displaying VTP Statistics, page 8-10
Configuring VTP Global Parameters
These sections describe configuring the VTP global parameters:
• Configuring a VTP Password, page 8-6
• Enabling VTP Pruning, page 8-7
• Enabling VTP Version 2, page 8-7
Note • In Release 12.1(13)E and later releases, you can enter the VTP global parameters in either global
configuration mode or in EXEC mode.
• In earlier releases, you can enter the VTP global parameters only in EXEC mode.
Configuring a VTP Password
To configure the VTP global parameters, perform this task:
Command Purpose
Router(config)# vtp password password_string
Sets a password, which can be from 8 to 64 characters long,
for the VTP domain.
Router(config)# no vtp password
Clears the password.