Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 23 Configuring QoS
Monitoring QoS
• For traffic shaping, you can only use the class-default class map, which is automatically created by
the ASA, and which matches all traffic.
• You cannot configure traffic shaping and standard priority queuing for the same interface; only
hierarchical priority queuing is allowed. See the “How QoS Features Interact” section on page 23-4
for information about valid QoS configurations.
• You cannot configure traffic shaping in the global policy.
Detailed Steps
Step 1 Configure a service policy on the Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy Rules pane according to
Chapter 1, “Configuring a Service Policy.”
You can configure QoS as part of a new service policy rule, or you can edit an existing service policy.
Step 2 In the Rule Actions dialog box, click the QoS tab.
Step 3 Click Enable traffic shaping, and configure the following fields:
• Average Rate—Sets the average rate of traffic in bits per second over a given fixed time period,
between 64000 and 154400000. Specify a value that is a multiple of 8000.
• Burst Size—Sets the average burst size in bits that can be transmitted over a given fixed time period,
between 2048 and 154400000. Specify a value that is a multiple of 128. If you do not specify the
Burst Size, the default value is equivalent to 4-milliseconds of traffic at the specified Average Rate.
For example, if the average rate is 1000000 bits per second, 4 ms worth = 1000000 * 4/1000 = 4000.
Step 4 (Optional) To configure priority queuing for a subset of shaped traffic:
a. Click Enforce priority to selected shape traffic.
b. Click Configure to identify the traffic that you want to prioritize.
You are prompted to identify the traffic for which you want to apply priority queuing.
c. After you identify the traffic (see the “Adding a Service Policy Rule for Through Traffic” section on
page 1-8), click Next.
d. Click Enable priority for this flow.
e. Click Finish.
You return to the QoS tab.
Step 5 Click Finish. The service policy rule is added to the rule table.
Step 6 Click Apply to send the configuration to the device.
Monitoring QoS
To monitor QoS in ASDM, you can enter commands at the Command Line Interface tool. This section
includes the following topics:
• Viewing QoS Police Statistics, page 23-12
• Viewing QoS Standard Priority Statistics, page 23-12
• Viewing QoS Shaping Statistics, page 23-13