Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
About This Guide
This preface introduces Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide and includes the
following sections:
• Document Objectives, page 3
• Related Documentation, page 3
• Conventions, page 4
• Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request, page 4
Document Objectives
The purpose of this guide is to help you configure the firewall features for ASA using ASDM. This guide
does not cover every feature, but describes only the most common configuration scenarios.
This guide applies to the Cisco ASA series. Throughout this guide, the term “ASA” applies generically
to supported models, unless specified otherwise.
Note ASDM supports many ASA versions. The ASDM documentation and online help includes all of the
latest features supported by the ASA. If you are running an older version of ASA software, the
documentation might include features that are not supported in your version. Similarly, if a feature was
added into a maintenance release for an older major or minor version, then the ASDM documentation
includes the new feature even though that feature might not be available in all later ASA releases. Please
refer to the feature history table for each chapter to determine when features were added. For the
minimum supported version of ASDM for each ASA version, see Cisco ASA Series Compatibility.
Related Documentation
For more information, see Navigating the Cisco ASA Series Documentation at