Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set port l2protocol-tunnel
set port l2protocol-tunnel
To set Layer 2 protocol tunneling parameters, use the set port l2protocol-tunnel command.
set port l2protocol-tunnel mod/port {cdp | stp | vtp} {enable | disable}
set port l2protocol-tunnel mod/port {drop-threshold drop-threshold}
{shutdown-threshold shutdown-threshold}
Syntax Description
Defaults Protocol tunneling is disabled on all ports.
The default for the drop threshold and the shutdown threshold is 0. The 0 value indicates that no limit is
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines You can specify more than one protocol type at a time. In the CLI, separate protocol types with a space.
The recommended maximum value for the shutdown threshold is 1000. This value reflects the number
of PDUs an edge switch can handle per second (without dropping any) while performing egress and
ingress tunneling. For an edge switch, the shutdown threshold value also determines the number of
Layer 2 protocol tunneling ports that can be connected to customer switches and the number of customer
VLANs per Layer 2 protocol tunneling port. In determining the recommended maximum value of 1000,
egress tunneling from the service provider network was also taken into consideration.
To determine the number of Layer 2 protocol tunneling ports (links) and the number of customer VLANs
per Layer 2 protocol tunneling port (VLANs per link) that an edge switch can handle, use the following
formula: Multiply the number of Layer 2 protocol tunneling ports by the number of VLANs and the
result should be less than or equal to 1000. Some examples of acceptable configurations are as follows:
• 1 Layer 2 protocol tunneling port x 1000 VLANs
• 2 Layer 2 protocol tunneling port x 500 VLANs
• 5 Layer 2 protocol tunneling port x 200 VLANs
• 10 Layer 2 protocol tunneling port x 100 VLANs
mod/port Number of the module and the port or range of ports.
cdp | stp | vtp Specifies the protocol type. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for more
enable | disable Enables or disables the protocol.
Specifies the drop threshold factor on a port or range of ports. See the
“Usage Guidelines” section for more information.
Specifies the shutdown threshold factor on a port or range of ports. See the
“Usage Guidelines” section for more information.