Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Chapter 6 Configuring Interfaces
Understanding Online Insertion and Removal
This example shows how to add a description on Fast Ethernet port 5/5:
Router(config)# interface fastethernet 5/5
Router(config-if)# description Channel-group to "Marketing"
Understanding Online Insertion and Removal
The online insertion and removal (OIR) feature supported on the Catalyst 6500 series switches allows
you to remove and replace modules while the system is online. You can shut down the modules before
removal and restart it after insertion without causing other software or interfaces to shut down.
Note Do not remove or install more than one module at a time. After you remove or install a module, check
the LEDs before continuing. For module LED descriptions, refer to the Catalyst 6500 Series Switch
Installation Guide.
When a module has been removed or installed, the Catalyst 6500 series switch stops processing traffic
for the module and scans the system for a configuration change. Each interface type is verified against
the system configuration, and then the system runs diagnostics on the new module. There is no disruption
to normal operation during module insertion or removal.
The switch can bring only an identical replacement module online. If the replacement module is different
from the removed module, you must configure it before the switch can bring it online.
Layer 2 MAC addresses are stored in an EEPROM, which allows modules to be replaced online without
requiring the system to update switching tables and data structures. Regardless of the types of modules
installed, the Layer 2 MAC addresses do not change unless you replace the supervisor engine. If you do
replace the supervisor engine, the Layer 2 MAC addresses of all ports change to those specified in the
address allocator on the new supervisor engine.
Monitoring and Maintaining Interfaces
You can perform the tasks in the following sections to monitor and maintain interfaces:
• Monitoring Interface Status, page 6-17
• Clearing Counters on an Interface, page 6-18
• Resetting an Interface, page 6-19
• Shutting Down and Restarting an Interface, page 6-19
Monitoring Interface Status
The software contains commands that you can enter at the EXEC prompt to display information about
the interface including the version of the software and the hardware and statistics about interfaces. The
following table lists some of the interface monitoring commands. (You can display the complete list of
show commands by using the show ? command at the EXEC prompt.) These commands are described
in the Cisco IOS Interface Command Reference publication.