Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Configuring Web Cache Services Using WCCP
This chapter describes how to configure the Catalyst 6500 series switches to redirect traffic to cache
engines (web caches) using the Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP), and describes how to
manage cache engine clusters (cache farms).
Note • To use the WCCP Layer 2 PFC redirection feature, configure WCCP on the Catalyst 6500 series
switch as described in this chapter and configure accelerated WCCP on the cache engine as
described in the following publication:
• A release of Cisco Application and Content Networking System (ACNS) software later than Release
4.2.2 supports the ip wccp service accelerated command with a PFC2.
• A cache engine configured for mask assignment that tries to join a farm where the selected
assignment method is hash remains out of the farm as long as the cache engine assignment method
does not match that of the existing farm.
• With WCCP Layer 2 PFC redirection as the forwarding method for a service group, the packet
counters in the show ip wccp service_name command output displays flow counts instead of packet
This chapter consists of these sections:
• Understanding WCCP, page 35-2
• Restrictions for WCCPv2, page 35-7
• Configuring WCCP, page 35-7
• Verifying and Monitoring WCCP Configuration Settings, page 35-12
• WCCP Configuration Examples, page 35-12
Note The tasks in this chapter assume that you have already configured cache engines on your network. For
specific information on hardware and network planning associated with Cisco Cache Engines and
WCCP, see the Product Literature and Documentation links available on the Cisco.com Web Scaling site
at http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/cc/pd/cxsr/ces/index.shtml.