Catalyst 2948G-L3 and Catalyst 4908G-L3 Software Feature and Configuration Guide
78-10408-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)W5(15d)
Chapter 3 Initial Switch Router Configurations
Updating the System Image
To reload the switch router with the new system image in boot flash memory, perform the following
steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
The following example shows setting the configuration register, saving the configuration, and reloading
the switch router with the new image on the boot flash memory SIMM.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# config-register 0x0
Router(config)# end
4d00h: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Router#copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
Destination filename [startup-config]?
Building configuration...
Router# reload
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
rommon 1 > dir bootflash:
File size Checksum File name
3173128 bytes (0x306b08) 0x799f cat2948g-in-mz.120-7.W5.14.45
3173364 bytes (0x306bf4) 0x755f cat2948g-in-mz.120-7.W5.14.46
rommon 2 > boot bootflash:cat2948g-in-mz.120-7.W5.14.46
Self decompressing the image : #################################################
################################################################## [OK]
<The system boots>
Command Purpose
Step 1
Router(config)# config-register 0x0 Sets the configuration register for manual booting from ROM
monitor mode.
Step 2
Router(config)# end
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 3
Router# copy system:running-config
Saves your configuration changes to NVRAM.
Step 4
Router# reload
rommon 1>
Initiates a reload of the system software. You then enter ROM
monitor mode.
Step 5
rommon 1> dir boot flash: Displays the contents of the file system. Perform this optional
step to display and copy the name of the system image to the
clipboard for use in Step 6.
Step 6
rommon 1> boot boot flash:filename Reboots the switch router with the new system image. You
can paste the filename from the clipboard if you copied it in
Step 5.
Step 7
Router> show version Displays the system software version information. Use this
step to confirm that the system is loaded with the expected
software version.
1. For details on using the configuration register to set boot parameters, refer to the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals
Configuration Guide.