Open Caveats
Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
CSCdu21141 A lineAnswer returns SUCCESS, but state does not change.
Workaround:Use blind transfer or consult transfer instead of arbitrary transfer.
CSCdu21447 Cisco CallManager subscriber does not refresh database upon network recovery.
Workaround: Stop and start the Cisco CallManager service on the recovered
Cisco CallManager.
CSCdu22012 Call forward from Cisco CallManager Admin allows user to enter an invalid number.
Workaround: No workaround exists.
CSCdu23382 Route filters do not display in exported route plan reports.
Workaround: No workaround exists.
CSCdu27800 Cisco WebAttendant 3.0(3.42) is installed, and user cannot uninstall previous
Workaround: Manually remove previous Cisco WebAttendant directories,
shortcuts, and registry entries.
CSCdu42536 Windows 2000 appears to freeze when installing on some IBM xSeries 330s, but it is
actually just installing slowly.
Workaround: You can wait for about an hour for the install of Windows 2000 to
complete. You can also select F8 upon boot up and choose Enable Boot Logging.
Problem is not consistently reproduceable.
CSCdu47169 “EnterpriseWideData” appears under service parameters.
This service parameter option appears when performing a new install with
Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10). When upgrading from a previous version to
Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10), this option does not appear.
Workaround: New install: No workaround exists.
Upgrade install: This issue does not occur.
Table 8 Open Caveats for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10) (continued)
DDTS number Description