Open Caveats
Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
CSCdr39403 Database notification does not work in certain situations. Updates made from the
Cisco CallManager administration page are registered but not reflected in the MIB
tables until the SNMP data collector or Cisco CallManager (depending on the type of
update) is restarted.
In Cisco CallManager clusters, changes to global values in a cluster environment
appear on the MIB table that is local to the change but not in all MIB tables
throughout the cluster. Updates will only appear on the MIB table that is local to the
change, with the following exceptions:
• When a time, region, or any static item is deleted, no MIB tables reflects the
• When groups and regions are added, no MIB tables reflects the change.
Workaround: Restart the SNMP data collector or Cisco CallManager to display
updated values in the MIB tables. If a Cisco CallManager cluster is involved, you
must restart all SNMP data collectors to show consistent values in the MIB tables
throughout the cluster.
Examples (local):
To remedy the two exceptions to local MIB table updating
• When deleting a time, region, or any static item, restart the SNMP data collector
for the local Cisco CallManager installation to see the update reflected in the
MIB table.
• When adding groups and regions to a Cisco CallManager cluster, restart the
SNMP data collector, which will help to update the MIB table.
In Cisco CallManager clusters, changes to global values in a cluster environment will
not be reflected in all the MIB tables. You must restart all SNMP data collectors to
show consistent values in the MIB tables throughout the cluster.
Examples (cluster):
• When adding or deleting multiline extensions of an existing telephone, you must
restart the Cisco CallManager system associated with that particular phone to
activate the change in the MIB table for phone extensions.
• When changing the primary Cisco CallManager name and description, you must
restart Cisco CallManager to see the changes in the Primary MIB table. If the
update involves a Cisco CallManager cluster, you must restart all
Cisco CallManagers in the cluster to see the changes reflected in all the tables.
Table 8 Open Caveats for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10) (continued)
DDTS number Description