
Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 8 Cisco Transport Controller Operation
8.5 8.5.3 Card View
Figure 8-7 CTC Card View Showing a DS1 Card
Note CTC provides a card view for all ONS 15454 cards except the TCC2, TCC2P, XCVT, XC10G, and
XC-VXC-10G cards. Provisioning for these common control cards occurs at the node view; therefore,
no card view is necessary.
Use the card view tabs and subtabs shown in Table 8-12 to provision and manage the ONS 15454. The
subtabs, fields, and information shown under each tab depend on the card type selected. The
Performance tab is not available for the Alarm Interface Controller-International (AIC-I) cards.
Card identification and status
Table 8-12 Card View Tabs and Subtabs
Tab Description Subtabs
Alarms Lists current alarms (CR, MJ, MN) for the card
and updates them in real time.
Conditions Displays a list of standing conditions on the
History Provides a history of card alarms including
date, object, port, and severity of each alarm.
Session (displays alarms and events
for the current session), Card
(displays alarms and events retrieved
from a fixed-size log on the card)
Circuits Creates, deletes, edits, and search circuits and
Circuits, Rolls