
Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Card Protection
This chapter explains the Cisco ONS 15454 card protection configurations. To provision card protection,
refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide.
Chapter topics include:
7.1 Electrical Card Protection, page 7-1
7.2 Electrical Card Protection and the Backplane, page 7-5
7.3 OC-N Card Protection, page 7-13
7.4 Unprotected Cards, page 7-14
7.5 External Switching Commands, page 7-14
7.1 Electrical Card Protection
The ONS 15454 provides a variety of electrical card protection methods. This section describes the
protection options. Figure 7-1 shows a 1:1 protection configuration and Figure 7-2 on page 7-3 shows a
1:N protection configuration.
This section covers the general concept of electrical card protection. Specific electrical card protection
schemes depend on the type of electrical card as well as the electrical interface assembly (EIA) type used
on the ONS 15454 backplane. Table 7-3 on page 7-5 details the specific electrical card protection
Note See Table 1-1 on page 1-15 and Table 1-2 on page 1-16 for the EIA types supported by the
15454-SA-ANSI and 15454-SA-HD (high-density) shelf assemblies.
Caution When a protection switch moves traffic from the working/active electrical card to the protect/standby
electrical card, ports on the new active/standby card cannot be placed out of service as long as traffic is
switched. Lost traffic can result when a port is taken out of service, even if the standby card no longer
carries traffic.