Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 9 SDH Topologies and Upgrades
Terminal Point-to-Point and Linear ADM Configurations
Figure 9-2 Subnetwork Connection Protection with a Fiber Break
9.2 Terminal Point-to-Point and Linear ADM Configurations
You can configure Cisco ONS 15310-MAs in a terminal point-to-point network (two nodes) or as a line
of add/drop multiplexers (ADMs) (3 or more nodes) by configuring the STMN ports as the working path
and a second set as the protect path. Unlike rings, terminal and linear ADMs require that the STMN port
at each node be in 1+1 protection to ensure that a break to the working line is automatically routed to
the protect line.
Note In a linear ADM configuration, two STMN ports in 1+1 protection are connected to two STMN ports in
1+1 protection on a second node. On the second node, two more STMN ports are connected to a third
node. The third node can be connected to a fourth node, and so on, depending on the number of nodes
in the linear ADM. The 15310-MA SDH has four optical ports, so it can operate either as a terminal or
intermediate node in a linear ADM network.
Figure 9-3 shows three ONS 15310-MAs in a linear ADM configuration. In this example, working traffic
flows from Node 1/Slot 3/Port 2-1 to Node 2/Slot 4/Port 2-1, and from Node 2/Slot 3/Port 2-1 to the
Node 3/Slot 4/Port 2-1. You create the protect path by placing Slot 3/Port 2-1 in 1+1 protection with
Slot 4/Port 2-2 at Nodes 1 through 3.
15310-MA SDH
Node ID 0
15310-MA SDH
Node ID 1
15310-MA SDH
Node ID 2
15310-MA SDH
Node ID 3
= Fiber 1
= Fiber 2