User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Chapter 5 Performing Administrative Tasks
Managing System Parameters
Step 2 To change any of the parameters, select new values from the pulldown lists and
click Apply to save the changes. To reset the system parameters to the previous
values, click Reset.
Note To reset the parameters to previous values, click Reset before saving.
Aggregation Interval Interval at which the performance data (from Inventory
Performance Attributes Polling Interval) is aggregated. (This is the
data shown in Report Trends.)
Note For reports it is necessary to compute some attributes
over longer periods (average, percentages, changes).
This interval determines how often these computations
are performed.
Default: 3 hours
Short Term Trending Inventory
Truncation Interval
Duration for which the performance data (from Inventory
Performance Attributes Polling Interval) is retained by the WLSE.
Default: 1 day
Aggregation Truncation Interval Duration for which the aggregated (historical) data is retained by
the WLSE.
Default: 15 days
Fault History Truncation Interval Duration for which the fault data is retained. (This is the data shown
in Fault Description.)
Default: 30 days
Job History Truncation Interval Duration for which job data is retained. (This is the data shown in
Configure Jobs, Discovery History, Email Jobs.)
Note Recurring jobs are truncated every day to retain the last
30 runs.
Default: 30 days
Parameter Description