Turbomachinery Package Specification Taurus 70 Compressor Set and Mechanical Drive
Table 3. Typical Solar Gas Compressors
Maximum Pressure
Maximum Flow Maximum Total Head
of Stages
kPa psig m
/min ft
/min kJ/kg ft-lb
For Gas Production Applications
C16 1-10 20 700 3000 50 1800 215 72,000
C33 1-12 15 510 2250 270 9500 325 108,000
C40 1-6 17 240 2500 255 9000 255 85,000
C50 1-5 10 350 1500 565 20,000 285 95,000
C51 1-8 20 700 3000 425 15,000 300 100,000
For Gas Pipeline Applications
C40 1-2 11 040 1600 270 9500 95 32,000
C45 1-3 12 410 1800 370 13,000 160 54,000
4.2.1 Impellers
Compressor impellers are designed to conservative stress levels. All impellers are
suitable for sour gas applications. Each impeller, after machining, is proof tested to 115%
of its maximum mechanical speed.
4.2.2 Rotor Assembly
The rotor assembly consists of stub shafts, impellers, and, if required, rotor spacers (to
maintain a constant bearing span) and a centerbolt. These components are individually
balanced and are rabbet-fit to each other for concentric alignment. Torque is transmitted
through dowel pins. The entire assembly is clamped together with the centerbolt. The
rotor assembly is easy to disassemble. The benefits from this type of construction are
two-fold. Impellers that can be used in a “restaged” rotor are easily salvaged and
downtime is minimized. Reusing old impellers, instead of purchasing new ones to match
new operating conditions, enhances the economic feasibility of restaging to maintain
optimum compressor performance and the lowest possible operating costs.
4.2.3 Casings
The pressure-containing outer casing of a compressor is an assembly of three
components: the suction and discharge end caps, which contain the bearing and seal
assemblies, and the centerbody, which holds the rotor and stator assemblies. This is
considered a vertically split “barrel” design. The end caps contain all the service ports for
oil and gas.
4.2.4 Compressor Module
The compressor module includes the centrifugal compressor(s) mounted on a structural
steel matching base that, when bolted to the driver skid, forms a continuous base plate
on which all the required subsystems are installed.
4.2.5 Lube Oil System
The gas turbine, gearbox (if required), and compressor modules have a common lube oil
4.2.6 Compressor Dry Seal System
The dry seal system consists of the seal gas and separation gas systems. The seal
system maintains a barrier between the process gas and the compressor bearings. The
separation gas system maintains a barrier between the compressor bearing lube oil and
the dry gas seals.
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