Turbomachinery Package Specification Taurus 70 Compressor Set and Mechanical Drive
4 Solar Compressor Set Packages
4.1 Compressor Set Packages
Solar offers complete and fully integrated compressor set packages with the Taurus 70
gas turbines driving one or more Solar centrifugal gas compressors (Figure 5). The
packages are fully operational and include all the necessary accessories, auxiliary and
control systems. The compressor sets combine the gas turbine driver with matching
integrated centrifugal compressor modules, available in single-body, two-body, or three-
body tandem configurations for direct-drive or gear-driven applications. Compressor sets
with a single Solar compressor can produce pressure ratios of over 3:1 while multiple,
tandem-mounted compressors can produce pressure ratios approaching 30:1.
Solar compressor sets are complete with all unique system requirements built into the
basic package. This inherent single-source responsibility eliminates any risk of drive train
incompatibility or performance questions that may arise when the driver and the driven
compressor are built by different manufacturers.
Figure 5. Compressor Set with Taurus 70 Solar Compressor
4.2 Solar Gas Compressors
Solar offers a broad range of centrifugal gas compressors for both gas production and
gas pipeline applications. Table 4 lists the Solar compressor products that are suitable for
operation with the Taurus 70 gas turbine. Solar’s approach to compressor design is to
maximize simplicity and flexibility. Solar
gas compressors are designed to achieve a
minimum of three years of continuous full-load duty between inspections, and major
components are designed for 20 years of continuous operation. Many features commonly
used in Solar compressor designs conform to American Petroleum Institute (API) 617.
Standard features include:
• Vertically split barrel-type construction
• Tilt-pad journal bearings
• Self-aligning tilt-pad thrust bearings
• Rigid modular rotor construction
• Rotor trim balancing
• Overcompensating balance piston
• Radial vibration measurement
• Thrust bearing temperature sensors
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