u STAT — Recalling statistical data
• { X } … {single-variable, paired-variable x -data}
• {
n } / { ¯ x } / { Σ x } / { Σ x
} / { x σn } / { x σn –1 } / { minX } / { maxX }
… {number of data}/{mean}/{sum}/{sum of squares}/{population standard
deviation}/{sample standard deviation}/{minimum value}/{maximum value}
{ Y } ... {paired-variable y -data}
• {
ӯ } / { Σ y } / { Σ y
} / { Σ xy } / { y σn } / { y σn –1 } / { minY } / { maxY }
… {mean}/{sum}/{sum of squares}/{sum of products of x -data and y -data}/
{population standard deviation}/{sample standard deviation}/{minimum value}/
{maximum value}
{ GRPH } ... {graph data menu}
• { a } / { b } / { c } / { d } / { e }
... {regression coeffi cient and polynomial coeffi cients}
• { r } / { r
} ... {correlation coeffi cient}/{coeffi cient of determination}
• { MSe } ... {mean square error}
• { Q1 } / { Q3 }
... {fi rst quartile}/{third quartile}
• { Med } / { Mod }
... {median}/{mode} of input data
• { Strt } / { Pitch }
... histogram {start division}/{pitch}
{ PTS } ... {summary point data menu}
• {
x 1 } / { y 1 } / { x 2 } / { y 2 } / { x 3 } / { y 3 } ... {coordinates of summary points}
Variable Data (VARS) Menu