u To recall the value in a specifi c list cell
You can recall the value in a specifi c list cell and use it in a calculation. Specify the cell
number by enclosing it inside square brackets.
Example To calculate the sine of the value stored in Cell 3 of List 2
s K 1 (LIST)1 (List)c ! + ( [ )d ! - ( ] )w
u To input a value into a specifi c list cell
You can input a value into a specifi c list cell inside a list. When you do, the value that was
previously stored in the cell is replaced with the new value you input.
Example To input the value 25 into Cell 2 of List 3
cf a K 1 (LIST)1 (List)d ! + ( [ )c ! - ( ] )w
k Recalling List Contents
Example To recall the contents of List 1
K 1 (LIST)1 (List)b w
• The above operation displays the contents of the list you specify and also stores them in
ListAns Memory. You can then use the ListAns Memory contents in a calculation.
u To use list contents in ListAns Memory in a calculation
Example To multiply the list contents in ListAns Memory by 36
K 1 (LIST)1 (List)!- (Ans)*dg w
• The operation K 1 (LIST)1 (List)!- (Ans) recalls ListAns Memory contents.
• This operation replaces current ListAns Memory contents with the result of the above
Arithmetic Calculations Using Lists