k Performing Regression
You can use the procedure below to perform regression for a range specified using the trace
pointer. All of the following regression types are supported: Linear, Med-Med, Quadratic,
Cubic, Quartic, Logarithmic, Exponential, Power, Sine, and Logistic.
For details about these regression types, see page 6-3-5 through 6-3-10 of the manual that
comes with the fx-9860G SD/fx-9860G calculator.
The following procedure shows how to perform quadratic regression. The same general
steps can also be used to perform the other types of regression.
u To perform quadratic regression
1. On the graph screen, press K, and then 4(CALC).
• The [CALC] menu appears at the bottom of the display.
2. Press 5(X^2).
• This displays the trace pointer for selecting the range on the graph.
3. Move the trace pointer to the start point of the range for which you want to perform
quadratic regression, and then press w.
4. Move the trace pointer to the end point of the range for which you want to perform
quadratic regression, and then press w.
• This displays the quadratic regression calculation result screen.
Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations