Description: This command increments the value of a control variable by 1, and then tests
(checks) it. If the current value is non-zero, execution continues with the next statement. If the
current value is zero, execution jumps to the statement following the multi-statement command
(:), display command (<), or carriage return (=).
(Jump Code)
Function: This code is used to set up conditions for a conditional jump. The jump is executed
whenever the conditions are false.
<left side> <relational operator> <right side> <statement>
• left side/right side: variable (A to Z,
), numeric constant, variable expression (such as:
• relational operator: =, x,>,<,r, b (page 8-18)
• The conditional jump compares the contents of two variables or the results of two
expressions, and a decision is made whether or not to execute the jump based on the results
of the comparison.
• If the comparison returns a true result, execution continues with the statement following
the command. If the comparison returns a false result, execution jumps to the statements
following the multi-statement command (:), display command (<), or carriage return (=).
Function: Creates a branching menu in a program.
Syntax: Menu "<string (menu name)>", "<string (branch name) 1>", <value or variable 1>,
"<string (branch name) 2>" ,<value or variable 2>, ... , "<string (branch name)
n>", <value or
variable n>
Parameters: value (0 to 9), variable (A to Z,
• Each "<string (branch name)
n>" ,<value or variable n> part is a branch set, and the entire
branch set must be included.
• From two to nine branching sets can be included. An error occurs when there is only one or
more than nine branching sets.
• Selecting a branch on the menu while the program is running jumps to the same type of label
n) as the one used in combination with the Goto command. Specifying “"OK", 3” for the
“"<string (branch name) n>", <value or variable n>” part specifies a jump to Lbl 3.
Example: Lbl 2=
Menu "IS IT DONE?", "OK", 1, "EXIT", 2=
Lbl 1=