Setup Menu Settings
u Display
To specify this type of numeric value display format: Select this setting:
Auto exponential display for values less than 10
and from 10
or greater (when you are in the Decimal mode)
Normal 1*
Auto exponential display for values less than 10
and from 10
or greater (when you are in the Decimal mode)
Normal 2
Fixed number of decimal places Fix 0 – 9
Fixed number of significant digits Sci 0 – 9
u Angle
To specify this angle unit: Select this setting:
Radians Radian*
Degrees Degree
u Advanced
To do this: Do this:
Perform complex number calculations Select the [Complex Format] check
(Complex mode) box.
Perform real number calculations (Real mode) Clear the [Complex Format] check box.*
Display results as a decimal Select the [Decimal Calculation]
(Decimal mode)
check box.
Leave calculation results as expressions Clear the [Decimal Calculation]
(Standard mode)
check box.*
Turn off auto simplification of expressions
(Assistant mode)
Select the [Assistant] check box.
Turn on auto simplification of expressions
(Algebra mode)
Clear the [Assistant] check box.*
*1 Executing 1 ÷ 2 in the Decimal mode produces a result of 0.5, while the Standard mode
produces a result of
*2 Executing x
+ 2x + 3x + 6 E in the Assistant mode produces a result of x
+ 2
x + 3
x +
6, while the Algebra mode produces a result of x
+ 5
x + 6.
The Assistant mode is available in the Main application and eActivity application only.