Using the Action Menu
Example: To solve a differential equation y’ = x, where y = 1 when x = 0.
Menu Item: [Action][Equation/Inequality][dSolve]
Example: To solve the system of first order differential equations y’ = y + z, z’ = y – z,
where “x” is the independent variable, “y” and “z” are the dependent variables,
and the initial conditions are y = 3 when x = 0, and z = 2 – 3 when x = 0
Menu Item: [Action][Equation/Inequality][dSolve]
u rSolve
Function: Returns the explicit formula of a sequence that is defined in relation to one or
two previous terms, or a system of recursive formulas.
Syntax: rSolve (Eq, initial condition-1[, initial condition-2] [
rSolve ({Eq-1, Eq-2}, {initial condition-1, initial condition-2} [
Example: To obtain the n-th term of a recursion formula an+1 = 3an–1 with the initial
conditions a1=1
Menu Item: [Action][Equation/Inequality][rSolve]
Example: To obtain the n-th term of a recursion formula an+2 – 4an+1 + 4an = 0 with the
initial conditions a1 =1, a2 = 3
Menu Item: [Action][Equation/Inequality][rSolve]
Example: To obtain the n-th terms of a system of recursion formulas an+1 = 3an + bn,
bn+1 = an + 3bn with the initial conditions a1 =2, b1 = 1
Menu Item: [Action][Equation/Inequality][rSolve]