m. Time of day:
1) Display module, in conjunction with the
microprocessor, must also be capable of
displaying the output (results) of a ser-
vice test. Service test shall verify opera-
tion of every switch, thermistor, and
compressor before chiller is started.
2) Diagnostics shall include the ability to
review a list of the 30 most recent
alarms with clear language descriptions
of the alarm event. Display of alarm
codes without the ability for clear lan-
guage descriptions shall be prohibited.
3) An alarm history buffer shall allow the
user to store no less than 30 alarm
events with clear language descriptions,
time and date stamp event entry.
4) The chiller controller shall include multi-
ple connection ports for communicating
with the local equipment network, the
Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) sys-
tem and the ability to access all chiller
control functions from any point on the
5) The control system shall allow software
upgrade without the need for new hard-
ware modules.
J. Operating Characteristics:
Unit shall be capable of starting up with 95 F (35 C)
entering fluid temperature to the evaporator.
K. Electrical Requirements:
1. Unit primary electrical power supply shall enter
the unit at a single location.
2. Unit shall operate on 3-phase power at the volt-
age shown in the equipment schedule.
3. Control voltage shall be 115-v (60 Hz), single-
phase, separate power supply.
L. Special Features:
Certain standard features are not applicable when
the features designated by * are specified. For assis-
tance in amending the specifications, contact your
local Carrier Sales office.
* 1. Wye-Delta Starter:
Unit shall have a factory-installed, wye-delta
starter to minimize electrical inrush current.
2. Vibration Isolation:
Unit shall be supplied with rubber-in-shear
vibration isolators for field installation.
3. Control Power Transformer:
Unit shall be supplied with a factory-installed
controls transformer that will supply control cir-
cuit power from the main unit power supply.
4. Temperature Reset Sensor:
Unit shall reset leaving chilled fluid temperature
based on outdoor ambient temperature or
space temperature when this sensor is installed.
* 5. Minimum Load Control:
Unit shall be equipped with factory-installed,
microprocessor-controlled, minimum load con-
trol that shall permit unit operation down to
10% of full capacity.
6. One-Pass Evaporator:
Factory-installed option shall reduce pressure
drop for high flow applications.
7. Three-Pass Evaporator:
Factory-installed option shall enhance perfor-
mance for low flow applications.
8. Energy Management Module:
A factory or field installed module shall provide
the following energy management capabilities:
4 to 20 mA signals for leaving fluid temperature
reset, cooling set point reset or demand limit
control; 2-point demand limit control (from 0 to
100%) activated by a remote contact closure;
and discrete input for "Ice Done" indication for
ice storage system interface.
9. BACnet™ Translator Control:
Unit shall be supplied with field-installed inter-
face between the chiller and a BACnet Local
Area Network (LAN, i.e., MS/TP EIA-485).
10. LON Translator Control:
Unit shall be supplied with field-installed inter-
face between the chiller and a Local Operating
Network (LON, i.e., LonWorks
11. Navigator™ Hand Held Portable Display:
a. Portable hand held display module with a
minimum of 4 lines and 20 characters per
line, or clear English, Spanish, Portuguese
or French language.
b. Display menus shall provide clear language
descriptions of all menu items, operating
modes, configuration points and alarm diag-
nostics. Reference to factory codes shall not
be accepted.
c. RJ-14 connection plug shall allow display
module to be connected to factory-installed
d. Industrial grade coiled extension cord shall
allow the display module to be moved
around the chiller.
e. Magnets shall hold the display module to
any sheet metal panel to allow hands-free
f. Display module shall have NEMA 4x
g. Display shall have back light and contrast
adjustment for easy viewing in bright sun-
light or night conditions.
h. Raised surface buttons with positive tactile