of the system. The AquaForce
chiller's positive pressure design
ensures that air, moisture and other
performance degrading contaminants
are not sucked inside the chiller. Purge
units and their associated maintenance
are no longer necessary.
Refrigerant isolation valves
The refrigerant isolation valves enable
service personnel to store the refriger-
ant charge in the evaporator or con-
denser during servicing. These valves
also allow the refrigerant to be stored
inside the chiller during shipment from
the factory minimizing start-up time.
During servicing, the in-chiller storage
reduces refrigerant loss and eliminates
time-consuming transfer procedures.
As a self-contained unit, the AquaForce
30XW chiller does not require addi-
tional remote storage systems.
Optional suction service valves
The optional suction service valves
allow for further isolation of the com-
pressor from the evaporator vessel.
Marine container shipment
The compact design allows for con-
tainer shipment to export destinations,
ensuring quality while reducing ship-
ping cost.
Heat exchangers
The Aquaforce 30XW chillers utilize
mechanically cleanable shell and tube
evaporators and condensers available
with a complete line of waterbox
options to meet project specific
requirements. One, two, and three
pass arrangements are available to
meet a wide variety of flow conditions.
Nozzle in head and marine waterboxes
are available to meet 150 psig
(1034 kPa) and 300 psig (2068 kPa)
piping requirements.
Heat exchanger features include:
ASME certified construction
An independent agency certifies the
design, manufacture, and testing of all
heat exchangers to American Society
of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) stan-
dards, ensuring heat exchanger safety,
reliability and long life. The ASME
U-stamp is applied to the refrigerant
side of the evaporator and condenser
and is applied to the water side of these
heat exchangers when 300 psig
(2068 kPa) marine waterboxes are
Electronic thermal-dispersion flow
An electronic thermal-dispersion flow
switch switch is included with the evap-
orator. The switch is factory installed
and tested and contains no moving
parts for high reliability.
High performance tubing
Carrier's AquaForce chillers utilize
advances in heat transfer technology
providing compact, high-efficiency
heat exchangers. Tubing with
advanced internally and externally
enhanced geometry improves chiller
performance by reducing overall resis-
tance to heat transfer while reducing
Evaporator tube expansion
Evaporator tube expansion at center
support sheets prevents unwanted tube
movement and vibration, thereby
reducing the possibility of premature
tube failure. Tube wall thickness is
greater at the expansion location, sup-
port sheets, and end tube sheets, to
provide maximum strength and long
tube life.
Closely spaced intermediate sup-
port sheets
Support sheets prevent tube sagging
and vibration, thereby increasing heat
exchanger life.
Refrigerant filter isolation valves
These valves allow filter replacement
without pumping down the chiller,
reducing service time and expense.
Microprocessor controls
The AquaForce 30XW screw chiller
controls communicate in easy to under-
stand English, making it as easy as pos-
sible to monitor and control each
chiller while maintaining fluid tempera-
tures. Controls are available with
French, Portuguese and Spanish as
standard configuration options. These
controls result in higher chiller reliabil-
ity, simplified training and correspond-
ingly lower operational and
maintenance costs.
Two user interface options are avail-
able, the Touch Pilot™ display and the
Navigator™ module.
The Touch Pilot display is an easy to
use touch screen display that provides
simple navigation for configuration and
control of the 30XW units.
Carrier's exclusive handheld Naviga-
tor display provides convenience and
powerful information in the palm of
your hand. The Navigator display helps
technicians to quickly diagnose prob-
lems and even prevent them from
All 30XW units are ready to be used
with Carrier Comfort Network
Controls features include:
Automatic capacity override
This function unloads the compressor
whenever key safety limits are
approached, increasing unit life.
Chilled liquid reset
Reset can be accomplished manually or
automatically from the building man-
agement system. For a given capacity,
reset allows operation at slower com-
pressor speeds, saving energy when
warmer chilled liquid can be used.
Demand limiting
This feature limits the power draw of
the chiller during peak loading condi-
tions. When incorporated into the
CCN building automation system, a red
line command holds chillers at their
present capacity and prevents any
other chillers from starting. If a load
shed signal is received, the compres-
sors are unloaded to avoid demand
charges whenever possible.
Ramp loading
Ramp loading ensures smooth pull-
down of liquid loop temperature and
prevents a rapid increase in compres-
sor power consumption during the
pulldown period.
Automated controls test
The test can be executed prior to start-
up to verify that the entire control sys-
tem is functioning properly.
365-day real time clock
This feature allows the operator to pro-
gram a yearly schedule for each week,
weekends, and holidays.
Occupancy schedules
Schedules can be programmed into the
controller to ensure that the chiller
operates when cooling is required and
remains off when not needed by the
tenants or process.