Arrange the slave cameras in clear view of the master camera, without objects between
You can arrange master camera in an overall circumference of up to approximately 100 m /
328 ft. However, the distance supported for linked shooting may be shorter depending on
the wireless communication conditions, which are affected by how the cameras are
arranged, the environment of use, and weather conditions.
Pressing the shutter button halfway on the master camera puts slave cameras in the same
state, as if the shutter buttons were pressed halfway. Similarly, fully pressing the shutter
button on the master camera has the same effect on slave cameras, which respond as if the
shutter buttons were fully pressed.
There will be a slight delay after you release the master camera shutter until the slave
camera shutters are released. (Simultaneous capture is not possible.)
Arranging the Slave Cameras
Slave camera
Slave cameraSlave camera
Slave camera
Master camera