Responding to Error Messages
Are you connecting to the FTP server via a broadband router?
X Some broadband routers use a firewall to restrict access to the FTP server. Change the
firewall settings to allow access to the FTP server.
X You may be able to access the FTP server by setting [Passive mode] to [Enable] on the
transmitter (p.84).
If you are using Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later, is access to the FTP server
blocked by [Windows Firewall]?
X Change the Windows Firewall settings to allow access to the FTP server.
What to check on the network as a whole
Does your network include a router or similar device that serves as a gateway?
X If applicable, ask your network administrator for the network gateway address and enter it
on the transmitter (p.23).
X Make sure the gateway address setting is correctly entered on all network devices,
including the transmitter.
What to check on the FTP server
Is the FTP server configured to restrict access to only some IP addresses?
X Change the FTP server settings to allow access from the [IP address] configured on the
transmitter in the TCP/IP settings.
What to check on the FTP server
Have you exceeded the maximum number of FTP server connections?
X Disconnect some network devices from the FTP server or increase the maximum number
of connections.
This error occurs if the transmitter fails to disconnect from the FTP server for some
X Turn off and on the FTP server and camera.
42: FTP server rejected connection
43: Cannot connect to FTP server. Error code received from server.
44: Cannot disconnect FTP server. Error code received from server.